
moments #

moments that once were.

This script is in beta, but I think it’s mostly there. Got a few homies checking for bugs.

set up #


  • norns
  • input (mono or stereo)
  • grid (optional, but recommended)

in maiden …


basic idea #

Constantly record the last loop length seconds of input, and allow four voices to play back from (four) random points within that loop.

  • The voices will only move if the amplitude of the input goes above a threshold. This creates a strange sort of lifelike feel.
  • The random starting point for each voice is updated (randomly within the buffer) based on a fraction of the tempo set in PARAMS/CLOCK. Each voice has it’s own “move rate”.

ui #

  • The total loop length can be updated using either K2 or K3
  • Adjusting either E2 or E3 will update the loop length

Here, the four dots represent the four voices. When the input_type is set to mono, the four voices read from the same buffer. Otherwise, when input_type is set to stereo, voices 1 and 2 (the top two dots) read from the left input, and voices 3 and 4 read from the right input.

grid #

This script is compatible with either 128-pad monome grids, or the 64-pad Launchpad. There is a left 64-pad section, and a right 64-pad section. Each section has a top and bottom portion with four rows. Each row corresponds to a voice (or, in the UI, a dot).

left section

  • level. With level, the lowest is on the left, highest on the right. If you push the currently selected level (i.e., the highest bright pad), the level will revert to 0, and all pads in that row will dim. Once you select a new level, that will be set.
  • pan. The pan pads are in increments of 0.25, where hard left is -1 and hard right is 1. So, shown here, the second voice is at (left) -0.5. Select the bright pad to revert back to center panning (0).

right section

  • dot move time. The time between dot moves is determined by a fraction of the CLOCK tempo. The 8 pads correspond to $\displaystyle \frac{1}{k}$ of a beat for $k = 8, 7, …, 1$. I.e., faster movements are on the left, and slower less frequent movements are on the right.
  • rate. The rate of a voice can be forward or reverse. To toggle between the two, select the bright (selected) pad. These pads divide the rate in increments of 0.5 from 0.5 to 4. So, in order, the forward rate options would be 0.5, 1, 1.5, …, 4. And, in order, the reverse rate options would be -4, -3.5, -3, …, -0.5. The dimly lit pad indicates a rate magnitude of 1.

other parameters #

See PARAMS for more parameters. Play around with them; see what happens! :)